Tom Hanks is an actor, producer and director of movies. This description may be what many recognize this charismatic superstar as. However, he is more than what he’s known for on the big screen. The actor has enjoyed a remarkable career over the past four decades, naming many blockbuster films and even an Oscar to his credit. But you probably didn’t know that the actor has strong roots in American politics. Hanks is a distant relative of a former president of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln.
Besides his love for acting, Hanks has another strange hobby that most of his fans don’t know about. He loves collecting typewriters. Over the years, he has collected over 80 antique typewriters and he even created an app that was dedicated to typewriters. But when it comes to watching movies, the actor hates seeing himself on the screen. In fact, he hasn’t even seen seen a single one of his films!
A talented actor like Tom Hanks was made for the silver screen, but Hollywood wasn’t always a dream for him. When he was younger, Hanks actually wanted to become an astronauts. But things changed after one of his teachers advised him to give acting a try. Needless to say, he never looked back again. Nevertheless, he has done a lot of cool stuff related to space travel.
The actor has many famous Hollywood friends whom he has come to know over the course of his career, but there is one specific friend that he has known since childhood and that is Bruce Springsteen. The two are very close even to this day.
He didn’t finish college before running away to pursue his Hollywood career. Do you know that Hanks is of those who have won the Oscars back-to-back? He won the Oscars in 1993 and 1994. He is still in the business of acting blockbuster movies.